When You Should Make A Visit To The Dentist In Delhi

Oral health is essential when it comes to guaranteeing functions that are essential for our day-to-day life, such as chewing or speaking.

But, in addition, this has a direct influence on your general health: on the one hand, you should bear in mind that certain oral conditions positively affect the suffering of systemic diseases; on the other, a bad occlusion can be the origin of cervical pain, headaches or breathing difficulties.

All these reasons suppose that to go to the dentist in Kirti Nagar before certain annoyances - that we will describe later - or to respect the revisions prescribed by the oral surgeon in Kirti Nagar are key factors at the time of preserving the good state of your teeth and gums.

How should it be the first visit to the dentist?
A first visit to the dentist in Rajouri Garden is, therefore, the first contact. During the same, the best dentist in Rajouri Garden will evaluate the state of your smile and try to give a complete treatment plan to the patient.

For this, it will carry out a thorough oral examination in order to rule out the existence of any anomaly in the teeth, gums, palate, cheeks or tongue.

In addition, it will use the performance of different diagnostic tests to complete this evaluation.

Usually, the oral surgeon in Rajouri Garden will perform a panoramic radiograph to have a global view of the state of the patient's mouth. Thanks to it, you can detect the existence of dental caries, evaluate the condition of the condyles and know if there is bone loss or not.

At the dental clinic in Rajouri Garden, we believe in the importance of carrying out, from the first moment, a good diagnosis. For this reason, in the first visit we will base, in addition, on other tests that allow us to refine, even more, the diagnosis:
  • A teleradiography - cephalometrics - to determine the relationship between the maxilla and the jaw.
  • A series of intraoral and extraoral photographs to detect abnormalities in the bone structure, midline deviations, dental malpositions, and so on.
  • Periapical radiographs to rule out the incidence of caries in the interproximal area.

Knowing different conditions that you have suffered in the past helps us when making an accurate diagnosis. For this reason, to complete the evaluation the best dentist in Delhi will need to know information regarding your general health history and, also, dental.

What symptoms can tell you that you should visit the dentist?
Usually, you should go to the dentist in Punjabi Bagh once a year - every 10 months, approximately - for a routine checkup. However, specialists recommend advancing this visit in the presence of a series of signs that we describe below.

Bleeding gums
In many occasions, we understand that the bleeding of the gums is part of the usual process of tooth brushing. However, it is not like that.

Poor oral hygiene can cause the accumulation of plaque and tartar in our oral cavity, which produces an inflammation of the gums.

This irritation - and, as a consequence, the bleeding of them - are clear symptoms of the affection of gingivitis.

Gingivitis corresponds to the initial state of periodontal disease. This is a reversible condition, and to address it, it will be enough to perform a professional oral cleaning that eliminates the accumulation of tartar and plaque.

It is important that before the symptoms described above go to a dental clinic in Kirti Nagar because, if not treated in time, gingivitis leads to periodontitis. The latter is a chronic disease that can pose a threat to the stability of the teeth.

Tooth sensitivity
How many of our acquaintances suffer pain or discomfort when drinking a very cold drink, for example? If this is also your case, you should know that you have dental sensitivity.

This is another symptom that patients usually normalize. However, tooth sensitivity can be a sign of the weakening of tooth enamel, the existence of cracks or fractures in the dental structure, the affection of caries or periodontal diseases and, finally, of a gingival recession due to a very aggressive brushing.

You must take into account that it is a perfectly normal symptom if you have just undergone teeth whitening in Rajouri Garden or if, on the contrary, you have just done a professional dental cleaning.

Pain in some dental piece
The discomfort in any particular dental piece is usually the main reason for consulting our patients. The pain that they refer when they arrive to the consultation can be linked to different origins, such as:
  • The condition of extensive tooth decay that has not been treated in time
  • dental abscess
  • The eruption of wisdom teeth
In these cases, we advise you to go quickly to the best dentist in Punjabi Bagh. A quick action facilitates, on some occasions, the treatment and avoids later complications.

In addition, it is important that you make a visit whenever you acknowledge slight mobility or changes in the structure of a piece - a slight fissure, for example -, as well as after receiving dental trauma and accusing a darkening of the affected tooth.  

Jaw, head and neck pain

Yes, you read it right. And, sometimes, cervical pain and headaches respond to a condition called bruxism that involves the involuntary habit of clenching and grinding the teeth.

Bruxism is more common during rest hours and, therefore, people who suffer from it often suffer the symptoms described above upon waking.

If this is your case, we advise you to go to a dentist in Rajouri Garden. The solution is usually simple: it is enough to make a custom discharge splint to improve the patient's situation.

However, it is true that in those cases in which bruxism has caused damage to the tooth structure, a treatment that returns the aesthetics to the pieces - placement of crowns or dental veneers - is necessary.

The bad taste of mouth or halitosis
If you regularly accuse a bitter taste in your mouth or suffer from bad breath on a regular basis, you should know that it can respond to the condition of extensive tooth decay, the incidence of periodontal diseases or, on the contrary, the presence of an infection inside the oral cavity.
In these cases, our advice is to ask for an appointment with a dentist in Kirti Nagar to detect the origin of said symptom and, therefore, can put an appropriate treatment.

Other causes
In addition, there are different symptoms such as, for example, the persistence of a sore that does not finish healing or the appearance of a lump in the oral cavity that tell us, immediately, that we should pay a visit to the specialized dentist in Delhi.

Patients who wear dental prostheses should pay special attention in case they are no longer comfortable or a sore appears on the gum in the area near their placement.
And, finally, the most common urgency: a bracket or a retainer that has come off.

How often should you visit the dentist?
If you have your mouth in health, specialists recommend going every 10 months to the best dentist in Delhi to evaluate the state of your mouth and perform professional dental prophylaxis.

However, on some occasions this period of time is reduced:
  • The people who are undergoing dental treatment must respect the frequency of appointments set by the specialist. For example, orthodontic patients usually go every 4 or 6 weeks for revision.
  • The people with periodontal disease should visit the best dentist in Rajouri Garden every 4 to 6 months so that it assess the status of the condition and at the same time can make prophylaxis to remove accumulations of plaque and tartar lodged in the mouth.
We hope we have resolved all your doubts about when you should make a visit to the dentist in Delhi, and what should be considered as a dental emergency.


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