Dental Implant and Braces in Delhi

Loosing teeth due to an injury or disease is fairly a common condition. Thus, it can be easily observed that the patients undergo dental implant in Delhi to maintain their facial appearance because missing teeth can actually spoil the person’s appearance. A dental implant is a method to cover the gap between the teeth caused due to a dental loss. It consists of a titanium post that is put inside the jaw bone to replace the missing tooth. This is then attached to a crown that appears and functions similar to a natural tooth.

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However, for some people, the concern is what if they need a further dental treatment after the implant? Basically, it depends upon the condition and further possible complications.

According to the best dentist in Delhi, as the implants are permanently screwed inside the jaw bone and cannot be moved, thus, it is best to carry out orthodontic treatment before going through a dental implant in Delhi.

Depending on the condition, some patients are advised to some specific orthodontic treatment to make enough dental space to implant a new tooth and also, for shifting the roots of neighboring teeth into the desired position. Therefore, whether you prefer braces before the implant or an implant after the braces, the dentists in Delhi offers a treatment solution that works closely with both the treatments to ensure a comfortable experience for the patient.

What to expect while visiting a Dental Implant Center?

While visiting a dental clinic for the consultation, it is suggested that the patient should be prepared for certain consultation process:
  • Dental x-ray including bitewing, panoramic, cone beam computerize tomography, Periapical, and occlusal.
  • Examining over oral health and hygiene
  • Determine the risk of root decay, tooth decay, and gum or bone diseases
  • Evaluating the need of dental restoration or replacement
  • Removing stains, plaque, or any deposits
  • Demonstrating appropriate oral health techniques and methods to keep the mouth clean and hygiene
  • Checking the bite
  • Examining jaw problems
Assessing the need for fluoride


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